Treatment Overview

  • Therapy/Counseling is an evidence-based scientific treatment for mental health, addiction, and life stressors. Talk therapy is a kind of psychotherapy used to identify emotions, change thinking patterns and behavior, and heal emotional pain.

    Much of the work initially is recognizing how we view life, ourselves in the context of life, and feeling safe from judgment to explore deeply what we feel and why.

    Since everyone starts in a different place, your reason for coming is always valid. Nevertheless, some people start with beginning questions to therapy which allows us to explore deep-rooted emotions, such as “why do I feel not good enough?” Or, simply a statement “I need help.”

    Behavioral or insight questions to begin therapy can also be very beneficial. Such as, "why am I anxious when I leave my house" or gain insight into how we interact with shame by saying, "I shouldn't feel this way, should I?"

    No matter what questions you want answers to, I am glad you are here. Whether you seek support for anxiety, depression, substance abuse, or suicidal thoughts, I am glad you are here. stated that more than 60% of individuals experiencing clinical anxiety do not seek treatment. Are you one of those individuals? IT IS OKAY, begin today!

  • A quick answer is EVERYONE can benefit from therapy.

    Frequency can change based on various factors, and there can be many sources for our thoughts of dissatisfaction. Feeling angry, worried, lost, or overwhelmed can also be an indication counseling could be helpful.

    Sometimes it's this greedy monster of perfectionism who seemingly is INCREDIBLY talented at finding the flaws in life. Sometimes it's a shady inner saboteur which tries to undercut your value by introducing doubt and saying, "it's not that bad."

    Since perfectionism and sabotage begin from within, let's focus on you. No matter what is causing your suffering, you are worth it! Let's begin today by being realistic with how the words we tell ourselves hurt and anger us just as much as when other people say the exact words to us. Ask yourself this one question; "if someone said the same negative things you tell yourself, what would your response be?"

  • I stand by the philosophy that those who feel safe feel safe to change. My goal is to develop a relationship where you feel respected, heard, challenged, and most importantly, safe and never judged. During our sessions, I will incorporate feedback moments to discuss and evaluate the pace, frequency, and stage of change you are working on. We can also change how we spend our time in the session.

    For example, we often begin reviewing the time between sessions to determine if progress is being made. However, maybe you want to address specific topics you feel do not present often enough during your week. Since I provide an individual treatment plan, we can do either/both! Learn more on the FAQ page.

  • In treatment, I utilize interventions from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR), and Logotherapy.

    SFBT helps us create initial positive behavior change. CBT and DBT help us understand our emotions and how they tie into our thoughts and confront thinking errors that endorse suffering we may not know we are supporting. ACT provides an element of awareness to why conflict may occur due to conflicting values. Values are abstract concepts we pursue and through specific skills we can refocus from anxiety, compulsions, etc. and redirect our energy to be aligned with our values. Finally, logotherapy is a meaning-centered therapy I draw from to develop a more profound sense of purpose and direction in life.

    All four are empirically validated treatments for depression, anxiety, substance abuse, suicidal and self-harm thoughts/behaviors, low self-esteem, and interpersonal functioning (family and friends).

    EMDR is the most researched treatment modality for trauma. While trauma may sound intimidating, I view trauma as any painful memories we struggle to recognize remain in the past. What we tell ourselves we are… we are. Thus, when our self-esteem (how we see ourselves) and self-confidence (the belief that we see ourselves accurately) are challenged, the misalignment is often attributed to a painful memory we are always trying to re-live. EMDR can also be effective for perfectionism, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, phobias, and more!

    Learn more about mental health services, addiction counseling, or teen therapy.

  • First, we build rapport. You are as unique as you are similar in your experiences. Although I likely have heard a variation of your struggles, you perceive life differently than others, so we must first develop trust and confidence that we are looking at the same issues together.

    Second, we develop challenges. In this phase, we look at what stage of change you are in, identify blocking beliefs holding you back, and inspire confidence you are worthy of the hard work ahead.

    Third, is intentionality. Learn to view yourself as happening to life rather than feeling like life happens to you. Distinguish what values guide you in life and if you want those around still. Read experiences to discover the meaning in front of you, and remember, you are worth it!

  • Each stage has a resolution goal that, when met healthily, produces change.

    For example, developing skills to reduce shame and foster awareness typically resolves precontemplation so we can move towards a deeper understanding and find safety within the contemplation stage.

    To learn more, feel free to begin today!

    An image of the stages of change is to the left.

  • As needed, counseling. Wherever your starting point is, I hope always to provide value in your life through my services. Nevertheless, there will come a time when self-compassion, knowledge, application, and safety solidify a foundation of wellness. Even quarterly sessions (once every three months) become like you have nothing to work on actively. We can then review your experience in therapy and practice healthy closure.

    Whether you’ve decided you would like to pause for the foreseeable future or feel inspired to go at life without therapy, please know my office is ready for your return if needed. However, if there is something you think has not been addressed yet, please bring that to a session so we can see if a therapist with that specialty might be a better fit. I’ll always do my best to meet you where you’re at with compassion and hope.

Circular diagram illustrating stages of behavior change: Precontemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance, with descriptions for each stage.

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“The purpose of learning isn’t to affirm our beliefs; it’s to evolve our beliefs.”

-Adam Grant in Think Again